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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


I feel the same, I actually feel weird when someone shares with me a url with tracking or source tags, like bro you’re telling on yourself… do you not care?!

There are quite simply better services out there, why defend a mega corp? You said it yourself they will sell every fucking byte of data, VPNs aren’t hard to figure out especially these days with ezpz UX.

Truly fuck this service, it’s not like it’s the only one with low barrier of entry, it provides some security but by nature dissolves privacy. You also can’t shift your location at all so it’s even less useful

Mullvad for example is easy as FUCK is super cheap (google one vpn is essentially the same pricing model for basic, $2 diff, the difference being mullvad doesn’t limit your data like google one does!!!) and performative, as well as anonymous, no account or bullshit, plays nice with their simple-as-fuck default user apps or with others like WireGuard for more config

WHY use an inferior service that fucks you? Especially as it limits amount of data whereas mulvad doesn’t.

It’s worse in every fucking way

Imagine trusting a corrupt mega corp lmao

A VPN … unless you are running your own … is just a giant honeypot for snagging everything you do. .

That is an absurd statement