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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Kagi uses its own crawler, right? But yeah, I expect DDG to follow Ecosia’s lead.

Isn’t AdGuard just DNS?

It isn’t “just” DNS level blocking, no. They have an adblocker for browsers, too. uBlock is using their filters.

other mobile browsers you don’t have any at all

Some have built-in adblockers (ex: Brave, DDG), others support extensions (ex: Safari, Orion).

I don’t care that you can disable it

It’s opt-in.

Contrary to SearX/SearXNG, you can’t select more than one source for your search results. I honestly don’t see the point in this case. Just use DDG, unless you don’t want to use Yandex/Marginalia/wiby directly? The other sources included are DDG, Brave and Mojeek, but those already respect your privacy.

No, Google’s not in there, but then again so what? I’ve had to disable Google as a source for SearXNG because it was systematically returning garbage results.

With 4get you can set a different source for your web searches, pics and news results, however. That’s a good feature.

I’m still not over Crossover’s “cool and hip” rebranding.

That’s what I’m using. It works as expected and is multi-platforms so I’m happy with it.