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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


All of them i’ve actually wanted to try out I was able to stream via the xbox game pass website in a browser. It is not a perfect experience, but it is “good enough” on a decent internet connection. I understand that if you physically have an xbox you can also run the game on that and stream it to your linux desktop for much better performance and latency, but I have not tried this myself.

That said, it is pretty rare. The only ones I’ve tried that with were fortnite (a friend wanted to play the lego game mode, but it was short lived - starved for content, lol) and starfield (it was free on game pass and I wasn’t sure I wanted to buy it).

Can someone explain like I’m 5 searXNG?

Like, I vaguely understand the terms everyone uses to explain it but I don’t really understand what it does or how it does it. I’ve used a public instance of it that the maintainers of my Linux distro provide and is set as default search on a fresh install. The results weren’t terrible but did take some time to load, which is the main reason I tend to use other engines.

If I self host it do I get better performance? What about results? Are they different on different instances?

My best guess for the hopeful outcome is the ai starts tacking on the license magic words at the end of things it says… But ultimately it feels like a digital version of sovereign citizens to me.