The Hobbyist

This survey was published almost 4 months ago, is it still relevant by now? When is the deadline for this survey?


There was one choise missing, I’m usung signal to 90% via a matrix bridge.

I would have surveyed… I’m not creating an account. This is going to be a skewed survey!

Why should I take this survey exactly? I’m not getting what you’re asking these questions for.

Yes, this doesn’t seem official, it just started by some random forum user, it requires a registration on that forum, so the data will be very much skewed and limited. Signal has 100 million plus downloads on play store just for comparison, I don’t know what you can get from the vote of some hundred people.

I wish they works ask more about desktop, so many issues, lack of feature parity, yet most frequently used, by me

I have to use Signal for a couple people, and it’s frustrating that they haven’t even implemented a feature as basic as registration! I am stuck using signal-cli for this reason, as the main application refused to pair for some reason. Maybe it’s a good thing because the official one is Electron, but still a dick move that they imposed such an arbitrary restriction.

deleted by creator


While it is based on AOSP and is compatible with Android, IIRC Graphene cannot call itself Android due to some Google specifications.

Also, from the point of view of the app developer, GOS is a different use case, as it does not necessarily have Google Play services

Technically, yes. To an end user though, it’s Android.

The survey is framed to differentiate between standard android compared to custom ROMs

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