‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app | 7.30
Our data is valuable. The information we share online is being used for all sorts of things - to spy on us, influence the advertising we see, train algorithm...


It requires Deep Learning.

Deep Learning could be used to attempt breaking encryption, but the effectiveness depends on various factors such as the strength of the encryption algorithm and key length. Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, involves training artificial neural networks to learn and make decisions.

AI algorithms, such as machine learning and deep learning, have the potential to automate cryptanalysis and make it more effective, thereby compromising the security of cryptographic systems.

Was this AI generated?

You know how to tell that it wasn’t?

It’s using careful hedging language — “could be used to attempt”, “have the potential to”, “more effective”.

AI would just plow through that shit, hallucinating facts like there is no tomorrow.

This is nonsense. Passwords might have an interesting distribution, key space is flat. There is nothing to learn.

And I hope you didn’t mean letting an LLM loose on, say, the AES circuit, and expecting it will figure something out.

I believe that if AI is trainable, you can train it to expand through a network. If this is true and it expands through the internet and all devices that connect to the internet, upon achieving this goal it could be commanded to then retrieve all or specific information. Not only training it to expand but to also circumvent security by all means (any and all possible tools that exist now and later) necessary. If that happens…

Enter the all seeing eye - skynet.

For now, its just a conspiracy theory. Ever so often I have a moment to think about this conspiracy and add onto it to make it a probability.

On a pseudo-religious conspiracy, AI could potentially be the anti-Christ. But that’s something for the religious folk.

So now I’m totally confused. What do you mean by expand?

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