The phrase in the title is a common trope that comes up when VPN services are discussed. While this statement is technically correct, it can be misleading, as it implies that all providers handle law enforcement requests and prepare for worst case scenarios similarly, so their conduct cannot be a differentiating factor when you evaluate them.

It is something to always take into consideration and not forget.

In this blog post we explain why competent service operators can avoid having to share sensitive information about you without facing severe legal consequences. The reasons laid out will also highlight why you are better off choosing a VPN service run by privacy activists who will prioritise principles before profits in difficult situations

is it me or does it read like someone used an LLM to write those sentences?

Ha! Author here - no LLM was used. It was an attempt to summarise the content and the key message, but it took some time to jam pack everything into two sentences.

GPT loves alliteration, so at least there’s something to support your suspicion.

So, scrub my papers for alliteration. Thanks for the tip.

Use it sparingly and with style. More isn’t always better.

Sounds like the intro paragraph to someone’s term paper at uni.

This is usually how I intro documentation for tech projects. Its good practice for technical docs, doesn’t necessarily mean its an LLM


Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. Thank god that shit didn’t exist when I was in college, or every paper I ever wrote would have been flagged. I guess I write like a robot.

Worth noting that there is a strong correlation between neurodivergence and falsely getting flagged for using AI. Apparently AI sounds autistic, so lots of autistic kids were getting flagged for AI use even when they wrote it themselves.

But if it helps, even ChatGPT has had to admit that AI detection is inaccurate and schools shouldn’t be relying on them.

the twist is that the LLM writes like this because you trained it to do so with your term papers that it scraped

Haha same! There’s a place for us though: if you ever get into research, robotic writing tends to work out fairly well!


Thing is, I don’t even feel like I do write like a robot per-se… Maybe it’s more like I write like the average of every person who has ever written anything ever lol.

yeah, which LLMs seem to be very fond of. every ChatGPT-written article I’ve seen includes “to sum up” and similar fillers.

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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